Two-way contingency table for thermal preference and Grime CSR strategy. Thermal preference is based on Landolt's ecological indicator value for temperature, varying between 1 (alpine-nival plants) and 5 (very warm-colline species). Cold thermal preference includes thermophilic indexes from 1 to 2, medium from 2.5 to 3.5, warm from 4 to 5. Grime CSR strategy C = competitor, R = ruderal, S = stress tolerator (40). Counts are reported for (A) common native species, in the picture as an example Trifolium repens (Thermophilic index = 3, Grime strategy csr), (B) red-listed native species, as an example Adonis aestivalis (Thermophilic index = 4.5, Grime strategy sr) and (C) alien species, as an example Sorghum halepense (Thermophilic index = 5, Grime strategy c). N = 1,668 species recorded in our dataset with defined thermophilic index and Grime CSR strategy.