Fig. 4.
Fabrication of spiral nanostructures with vector beams and their optical activity. (A) Schematic of the fabrication setup for the generation of vector beam irradiation. LP: linear polarizer. HW: half-wave plate. VR: vortex retarder plate. BS: beam splitter. Insets at the Bottom Right corner show the polarization profile of vector beam generated with different alignment angle (θ). (B−E) SEM images of platinum oxide nanostructures generated by irradiating the K2PtCl4 precursor solution with different types of vector beams. (B) θ = −45° (C) θ = 45° (D) θ = 0° (E) θ = 90°. Simulated near field profile of (F) the electric and (G) the optical activity of spiral platinum oxide nanostructure. Scale bars are 2 μm. Excitation source is the LCP light at the peak (~510 nm) of CDS spectra. (H) CDS spectra of LH and RH enantiomers of platinum oxide. Doted lines are experimental raw data, solid lines are fitted data curves and dash lines are calculated CDS spectra.