Extended Data Fig. 8 |. Blimp1 deletion impairs TRM formation in the IEL and SG more than the kidney.
a-c, Gzmb-Cre−/−Prdm1fl/fl (WT) and Gzmb-Cre+/−Prdm1fl/fl (KO) were transferred at a 1:1 ratio into congenically distinct recipients one day prior to infection with LCMV. Tissues were harvested 60 days after initial infection. a, Ratio of KO to WT P14 cells in the indicated tissues. b-c, % of CD69+ (b) and CD103+ (c) P14 cells for WT and KO populations. Graphs display mean ± SD for a combined 2 experimental replicates, each with m = 4 mice. Significance in (a) calculated with a one-way ANOVA using Tukey’s multiple comparison test. Significance in (b-c) calculated with a two-way ANOVA using with Sidak’s multiple comparison test. ****p < 0.0001.