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. 2023 Mar 27;2023(3):CD009885. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD009885.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
ACTRN12608000059369 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as outcomes were structural imaging results: volume and activation of different brain regions
An 2013 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was resting state brain function only
Anderson 2002 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was functional magnetic resonance relaxometry only
Barkley 1988a Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as outcomes were Home Situations Questionnaire, Parenting Stress Index, and Beck Depression Inventory
Barkley 1997 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were "2 questionnaires", and "Electronic apparatus"
Bart 2013 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were Movement Assessment Battery for Children – Second edition, and Online Continuous Performance Test
Bedard 2002 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were response interference, and Stroop Naming Speed
Bedard 2003 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were Parent Interview for Child Symptoms, Teacher Telephone Interview–IV, and Selective Stop‐Signal Task
Bedard 2004 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were Parent Interview for Child Symptoms; Teacher Telephone Interview–IV, Reading subtest/Wide Range Achievement Test ‐ 3, Word Attack and Word Identification subtests of the Woodcock Reading Mastery, and Test‐Revised Cambridge Neuropsychological Testing Automated Battery
Bedard 2007 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on working memory; Test of Word and Language Efficiency, Wide Range Achievement Test ‐ 3, Woodcock‐Johnson Tests of Achievement, and Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB) Spatial Span
Beery 1994 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on behavioural management and behavioural disinhibition
Beery 2017 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these was focusing on social behavior
Ben‐Pazi 2006 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on hastening phenomena only
Bental 2008 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these was focusing on reading measures
Beyer 2014 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were The Frankfurt Test and training of social affect
Bouziane 2019 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was MRI measuring only
Brown 1984b Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was Children's Checking Task only
Buhrmester 1992 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on prosocial behavior only
Campbell 1996 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was reaction times on Tachistoscopic Task only
Carlson 1991 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on reaction times and other cognitive tasks
Carlson 1992 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on task and disruptive behaviour; academic work completion and accuracy
Cohen 2020 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Go/No‐Go Task only
Cox 2004b Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on driving performance ‐ measured by computer only
Cubillo 2014 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this were focusing on Stop Task combined with fMRI only
Cubillo 2020 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on fMRI during Sustained Attention Task only
Dawson 1998 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Mirsky's proposed factors of attention: sustained attention, focus/execute, encode, and stability of attention
De Sonneville 1991 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on specific attention function: sustained attention, information processing, response organization
DeVito 2008 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Cambridge Gamble Task; measures of response inhibition and reflection‐impulsivity on the information Sampling Task
Dougherty 2016 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Immediate Memory Task, GoStop Impulsivity Paradigm, Two Choice Impulsivity Paradigm
Evans 1986 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on verbal memory and learning
Fosco 2017 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on cognitive domains, including working memory, inhibitory control and attention
Fosco 2021 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on inhibitory control, visuospatial working memory, reaction time variability, and delay discounting
Fox 2014 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on memory tasks
Francis 2001 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing story telling and story grammar analysis
Gan 1982 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on performance on Paired Associate Learning task only
Golubchik 2018 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on changes in school report cards only
González‐Carpio Hernández 2016 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on creativity measurements only
Granger 1996 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on social behaviour only
Grizenko 2010 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on academic behaviour; sustained attention; impulse inhibition control
Günther 2010 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on sustained attention measured by computer attention tests
Hadar 2020 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Visuo‐Motor Attention Test and multiple cognitive tasks measuring auditory and visual executive functions
Halliday 1983 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on event‐related potentials
Hanisch 2004 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on computerised attention tasks
Hazel‐Fernandez 2006 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Paired Associates Learning task; Tower of Hanoi only
Helseth 2015 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on children’s rates of reinforcement for deviant peer behavior
Hinshaw 1989 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on prosocial behaviour only
Hinshaw 1993 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on antisocial behaviour only
Horowitz 2020 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Sustained Attention to Response Task, N‐Back Task, Stroop Color and Word Task
Humphries 1979 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on maze‐tracking performance only
Ishii‐Takahashi 2015 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on prefrontal haemodynamics measured by fNIRS
ISRCTN52376787 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on information about effects of MPH on cognitive function (including the possibility of cognitive toxicity) in children with ADHD, greater understanding of the underlying cognitive processes in ADHD, identification of potential cognitive deficits in ADHD.
JPRN‐UMIN000008831 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on fNIRS analysis and behavioral performance
JPRN‐UMIN000027533 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on rsfMRI only
King 2009a Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on social information processing
King 2009b Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on laboratory provocation task, measuring hostile, instrumental, reactive, and proactive aggression
Kobayashi 2020 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on haemodynamic changes measured by fNIRS during observation of happy and angry facial expressions
Kowalczyk 2019 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as these were focusing on sustained attention/vigilance task in a 3T MRI scanner only
Lange 2007 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as these were focusing on reaction time, alertness, vigilance, and divided attention
Leitner 2007b Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on gait; stride to stride variability, memory, visual‐spatial, verbal, and attention domains
Levi‐Shachar 2020 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Dimensional Change Card Sort Test (DCCS) and the Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test, Theory of Mind tests, oxytocin levels
Luman 2015 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on time production task, accuracy and response latency in an instrumental learning task
Malone 1988 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on word processing, reaction time, and cognitive decision task
Malone 1993 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on impulsive responding only
Malone 1994 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on right hemisphere dysfunction only
Martin 2007 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on depression; addiction rate; Continuous Performance Task; heart rate and blood pressure
Mazzetti 2022 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on spatial attention task only
Mehta 2004 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on working memory only
Merrill 2022 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as these were focusing on novel mindwandering sustained attention to response task only
Milich 1989 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Continuous Performance Task only
Milich 1991 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on task persistence only
Mizuno 2021 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Sustained attention examined using a continuous performance test. MRI scans
Morris 2022 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on electrocardiographic and electrodermal outcomes
Nagashima 2015 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on oxy‐hb changes measured with fNIRS during Go/No‐Go Task
NCT00485797 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on postural sway measures
NCT00778310 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on brain oxygenation level‐dependent signal in the fusiform gyrus and the amygdala on Concerta vs placebo
NCT02318017 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on electroencephalography data during neurocognitive tasks
NCT03788902 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Theory of Mind, Faux‐Pas Recognition Test, and salivary oxytocin levels
NCT04349917 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Go/No Go Task and fMRI
Novak 1995 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on reaction time and visuospatial attention
O'Toole 1997 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on non‐verbal learning only
Pakdaman 2018 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on neuropsychological tests only
Peeke 1984 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on verbal information processing only
Pelham 1985 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on classroom academic and social behaviour
Pelham 1990b Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on attention during baseball game; on task behaviour; and ability to answer question about the status of the game
Pelham 1992 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were self‐reported attribution and evaluation of behaviour
Pelham 1997 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on performance, self‐evaluation, persistence, and attributions on cognitive task
Pelham 2001b Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on a large number of different measures of behaviour
Pelham 2017a Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on daily contact reports, Good Day/Bad Day Questionnaire, and self‐perceived medication status
Pelham 2017b Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing mother and child relationship
Rapport 1995 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Paired Associates Learning task only
Ratzon 2017 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on driving skills tested by the STISIM Drive simulator
Richardson 1988 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on reading achievement only
Rubia 2003 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on motor timing only
Rubinson 2019 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Go/No‐Go Task and electroencephalography
Sangal 2006 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on auditory amplitude only
Silk 2012 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on neural substrates only
Silk 2014 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on a visual attention task only
Silk 2017 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on rsfMRI only
Slama 2015 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on Continuous Performance Test and Counting Stroop Task
Smith 2013 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on fMRI only
Solanto 1986 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on attention during play measured by locomotor activity; Children's Checking Test; and fine motor control
Solanto 1997 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Continuous Performance Test only
Srinivas 1992 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on sustained attention measured by computer attention tests
Strand 2012 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on working memory only
Stray 2009 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on motor functions only
Sunohara 1997 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on event‐related potentials only
Sutoko 2019 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on fNIRS during Go/No‐Go Task only
Swanson 1993 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on impulsive responding
Szobot 2003 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on cerebral blood flow only
Tannock 2000 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on naming speed and academic measures
Teicher 2003 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on computerised Contiuous Performance Test and fMRI
Teicher 2006 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on rate‐dependent behavioural effects only
Teicher 2007 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on McLean Motion Attention Test only
Tillery 2000 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on auditory performance only
Trommer 1991 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Go‐No‐Go performance only
Tsang 2012 Likely no relevant outcomes for our review as these were focusing on cognitive tasks, and emotional functions
Tucha 2006 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on reaction time tasks only
Van den Driessche 2017 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on mind blanking during Go/No‐Go Task only
Van Lith 2018 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on region‐of‐interest analysis of fMRI data during fear learning only
Verbaten 1994 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Continuous Performance Test only
Waschbusch 2007 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on academic‐oriented tasks only
Whalen 1987 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on social behaviour only
Wong 2012 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on Sternberg Working Memory fMRI Task only
Wu 2017 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on brain activation during verbal working memory task only
Yarmolovsky 2017 Likely no relevant outcome for our review as this was focusing on executive control test ‐ Stroop‐like task only

ADHD: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; fMRI: functional magnetic resonance imaging; fNIRS: functional near‐infrared spectroscopy; MPH: methylphenidate; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; n: number; oxy‐hb: oxygen‐haemoglobin; rsfMRI: resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging; STISIM Drive: Systems Technology, Inc. Simulation Drive; 3T: 3 Tesla