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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2024 Apr 1.
Published in final edited form as: Pediatr Neurol. 2023 Jan 19;141:118–132. doi: 10.1016/j.pediatrneurol.2023.01.009


Modified COSMIN Checklist for Scoring of Outcome Measures

Score Meaning Description

5 Highly Recommend • Excellent reliability (test-retest, inter-rater, intrarater, and/or responsiveness)
• Excellent validity (content, construct, and criterion validity)
• Easy to interpret scores (can be used by individuals of differing expertise or no training required)
• Evidence of cross-cultural validity
• Excellent clinical utility across a majority of the following: short, does not require a lot of supplies, applicable for many intellectual/physical ability levels, can readminister within short period of time, wide age range of assessment allows for follow-up within patient tracking over time)
• Data to support psychometric utility is strong (validated in a pediatric stroke population or relevant/related populations)
• Sensitive to change over time (minimal clinically important difference) has been established, low likelihood of ceiling or floor effects)
4 Recommend • Good reliability
• Good validity
• Easy to interpret scores
• Minimal evidence of cross-cultural validity
• Strong clinical utility (meets half of the criteria)
• Data to support psychometric utility is strong
• Sensitive to change over time
3 Recommend, nonpreferred • Minimal evidence of reliability
• Minimal evidence of validity
• Some barriers to score interpretation
• Minimal or reported evidence of cross-cultural validity
• Meets some clinical utility criteria
• Data to support psychometric utility is strong but has not been validated in a pediatric stroke or relevant/related population or is an adult measure that has been adapted for use in pediatric populations
• Sensitive to change over time—no published data
2 Unable to recommend at this time • Limited information with regard to psychometrics but has clinical utility (might be a measure that is often used clinically but has little research available)
1 Do not recommend Poor psychometrics and poor clinical utility or measure is rarely used so there is little to no data on the measure


COSMIN = Consensus-based Standards for the Selection of Health Measurement Instruments

Modified COSMIN Guidelines were used for rating the individual measures. A scale of1to 5 was utilized; if majority of the criteria (>5 items) were met within a given score category, the measure would receive that score. The reliability and validity criteria both had to be satisfied to meet a given score category. Definitions of each scoring criteria were provided (refer to Supplemental Document 1).