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. 2016 Mar 24;2016(3):CD008286. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD008286.pub3

McCarthy 2008.

Methods Setting: clinic, USA
 Recruitment: community volunteers motivated to enrol in trial of cessation medication
Participants 463 smokers (226 in relevant arms); 50% female, av. age 36‐41 across arms, av.cpd 22
 Providers: trained college‐aged or bachelor's level staff, supervised by experienced counsellor
Interventions Factorial trial of bupropion or placebo pharmacotherapy and counselling versus support
 1. Bupropion & counselling; 8 x 10 min sessions, 2 prequit, TQD, 5 over 4 wks, additional office visits without counselling
 2. Bupropion & psychoeducation (not used in this review)
 3. Placebo & counselling (not used in this review)
 4. Placebo & psychoeducation about medication, support & encouragement. Same no. of office visits, 80 mins less contact time than 1.
Outcomes 7 day PP abstinence at 12m
 Validation: CO ≤10 ppm
Notes 1 vs 4 used as a test of combined intervention. Others arms do not contribute to this review. Classified as 91‐300 mins because of additional contact time during office visits.
 Also contributes to Cochrane reviews of antidepressants (Hughes 2014) (collapsing behavioural conditions) and individual behavioural counselling (Lancaster 2005) (collapsing pharmacotherapy)
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk 'Random number table'
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk 'Staff who screened and enrolled participants were unaware of the experimental condition to be assigned'
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk In relevant arms 24 (11%) failed to attend quit date visit and 62 (27%) lost to follow‐up at 12m, no difference by condition, all included as smokers in ITT analysis