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. 2022 Jul 14;41(2):422–433. doi: 10.5534/wjmh.220009

Table 1. Spermatogenic failure genes sequenced in this study.

Gene Inheritance OMIM number OMIM phenotype Mutation detection frequency HGNC gene number
AURKC (STK13) AR 603495 SPGF5 82.8% (72/87) Aurora kinase C
BRDT AR 602144 SPGF21 1 consanguineous family Bromodomain testis associated
CATSPER1 AR 606339 SPGF7 Two 4-generation consanguineous families Cation channel, sperm associated 1
CFAP43 AR 617558 SPGF19 13% (4/30) Cilia and flagella associated protein 43
CFAP44 AR 617559 SPGF20 - Cilia and flagella associated protein 43
DNAH1 AR 603332 SPGF18 28%–44% Dynein axonemal heavy chain 1
DPY19L2 AR 613893 SPGF9 66.7% (36/54) Dpy-19-like 2 (C. elegans)
HSF2 AD 140581 - <1% (1/766) Heat shock transcription factor 2
KLHL10 AD 608778 SPGF11 1.3% (7/556) Kelch-like family member 10
MEIOB AR 617670 SPGF22 1 consanguineous family Meiosis specific with OB domains
NANOS1 AD 608226 SPGF12 2.6% (5/195) Nanos homolog 1 (Drosophila)
NR5A1 AR 184757 SPGF8 2% (7/315) Nuclear receptor subfamily 5, group A, member 1
PICK1 - 605926 - - Protein interacting with PRKCA1
PLCZ1 AR 608075 SPGF17 2 family Phospholipase C zeta 1
PLK4 AD 605031 - 1.2% (1/81) Polo like kinase 4
RHOXF2 - 300447 - <1% (1/250) Rhox homeobox family member 2
SEPT12 AD 611562 SPGF10 1.3% (2/160) Septin 12
SLC26A8 AD 608480 SPGF3 2% (3/145) Solute carrier family 26 (anion exchanger) member 8
SOHLH1 - 610224 - 2% (2/100) Spermatogenesis and oogenesis specific basic helix-loop-helix 1
SPATA16 AR 609856 SPGF6 1 consanguineous family Spermatogenesis associated 16
SYCE1 AR 611486 SPGF15 1 consanguineous family Synaptonemal complex central element protein 1
SYCP3 AD 604759 SPGF4 10.5% (2/19) Synaptonemal complex protein 3
SUN5 AR 613942 SPGF16 47% (8/17) Sad1 and UNC84 domain containing 5
TAF4B AR 601689 SPGF13 1 consanguineous family TAF4b RNA polymerase II, TATA box binding protein (TBP)-associated factor
TEX11 XLR 300311 SPGF, X-linked, 2 1-2.4% (7/289) azoospermia; 15% azoospermia with meiotic arrest Testis expressed 11
TEX15 AR 605795 - 2 family; 1 proband Testis expressed 15, meiosis and synapsis associated
USP9Y YL 400005 SPGF, Y-linked, 2 3 proband (4-db DEL; DEL incl. entire gene) Ubiquitin specific peptidase 9, Y-linked
ZMYND15 AR 614312 SPGF14 1 consanguineous family Zinc finger, MYND-type containing 15
ZPBP - 608498 - 2% (7/381) Zona pellucida-binding protein

OMIM: Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man, HCNC: HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee, AR: autosomal recessive, AD: autosomal dominant, SPGF: spermatogenic failure, -: not available.