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. 2022 Oct 10;43(3):1027–1062. doi: 10.1007/s10792-022-02480-6

Table 4.

Randomized clinical trials and observational studies that compare disease recurrence, disease regression and need for retreatment between intravitreal anti-VEGF and LPC treatment modalities for TR-ROP

Authors/first author Study Type Year Participants Treatment modalities being compared Outcomes Risk-of-bias assessment with RoB 2 tool8 or with ROBINS-I tool9
Kang et al. [10] Observational study 2019 52 eyes of 27 infants with TR-ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml), IVR (0.2 mg/0.02 ml),

Diode LPC

No differences between groups in:

ROP recurrence requiring retreatment (P = 0.120)

Serious overall risk of bias due to bias in measuring of the outcome
Roohipoor et al. [13] Randomized clinical trial 2019 232 eyes of 116 infants with type 1 ROP in zone II (stage 2 or 3 ROP with plus disease)

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

No differences between groups in:

 Rate of complete vascularization of non-ablated retina and ROP regression at 90 weeks PMA (P = 0.200)

High overall risk of bias (“High” in the RoB 2 tool)
Lyu et al. [42] Observational study 2019 27 eyes of 14 infants with type 1 ROP

IVR (0.25 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

IVR group had:

 Higher rate of eyes with additional treatment due to ROP resistance, ROP reactivation, ROP progression and due to avascularity in zone 1 or zone 2 (P = 0.040)

No differences between groups at:

 Rates of regression of acute ROP after primary treatment (P = 0.330)

Serious overall risk of bias due to baseline confounding
Zhang et al. [44] Observational study 2019 283 infants with TR-ROP

IVB (dose unspecified),

LPC (type unspecified)

Anti-VEGF group had:

 Greater odds of having a second procedure (P < 0.001)

Serious overall risk of bias due to bias in measurement of the outcome
Kang et al. [36] Observational study 2019 314 eyes of 165 infants with type 1 ROP

IVR (0.25 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

Diode LPC group had:

 Higher rate of infants that underwent additional laser (P = 0.010)

 Higher rate of additional scleral encircling (scleral buckling (P = 0.040)

No differences between groups at:

 Infants requiring addition IVR injection (P = 0.010)

 Need for vitrectomy (P = 0.660)

Serious overall risk of bias due to bias in the measurement of the outcomes
Barry et al. [46] Observational study 2019 222 eyes of 115 infants with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.375 to 0.625 mg per eye),

LPC (type unspecified)

No differences between groups in:

 Rate of retreatment within the period of 8 weeks (P = 0.140, Fisher’s exact test)

Serious overall risk of bias due to bias in measurement of the outcome
Ling et al. [48] Observational study 2019 340 eyes of 176 infants with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml), IVR (0.25 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

At 75 weeks PMA, no differences between groups in:

 ROP recurrence rate (P = 0.050)

 Rate of need for vitrectomy (P = 0.270)

Both anti-VEGF groups had:

 Higher mean interval of recurrence from initial treatment than the LPC group (P < 0.001)

 ROP recurrence at a later age compared to LPC group (P = 0.005)

Moderate overall risk of bias
Roohipoor et al. [19] Observational study 2018 986 eyes of 493 infants with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

IVB group had:

 Higher rate of disease activity (P = 0.040)

 Lower mean time to complete regression (P = 0.001)

No differences between groups at:

 Rates of retreatment (P = 0.060)

 Time between treatment and retreatment (P = 0.270)

The two first outcomes are at serious overall risk of bias due to bias in measurement of the outcome. The next two are at moderate overall risk of bias
Lepore et al. [37] Randomized clinical trial 2018 42 eyes of 21 infants with type 1 zone 1 ROP

IVB (0.5 mg/0.02 ml),

Diode LPC

 IVB group FA findings 4 years after treatment: All eyes had abnormalities at the periphery (shunts, vessel leakage, avascular area, tangles, abnormal vessel branching/abnormalities at the posterior pole, such as hyperfluorescent lesions and absence of foveal avascular zone

 LPC group FA findings 4 years after treatment: leakage (1 eye), tangles and shunts (3 eyes), macular abnormalities (3 eyes)

High overall risk of bias (“High” in the RoB 2 tool)
Blair et al. [40] Observational study 2018 36 eyes of 19 patients with APROP

IVB (0.5–0.625 mg /0.02–0.025 cc),

Diode LPC

No differences between groups at:

 Rate of eyes with acute reactivation requiring retreatment (P > 0.050)

 Mean age of the treatment-requiring recurrence (P = 0.080)

Serious overall risk of bias due to baseline and time-varying confounding
Zhang et al. [39] Randomized clinical trial 2017 100 eyes of 50 infants with Zone 2 TR-ROP (i.e., zone 2 stage 2 or 3 ROP with plus disease)

IVR (0.3 mg/0.03 ml),

Diode LPC

The IVR group had:

 Greater rates of ROP recurrence (P = 0.001)

Medium overall risk of bias (“Some Concerns” in the RoB 2.0 tool)
Sukgen et al. [45] Observational study 2017 31 eyes in 16 patients with stage 4A ROP

IVR (0.25 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

No differences between groups at:

 Rates of requirement for vitreoretinal surgery due to ROP progression (P = 0.230)

Moderate overall risk of bias
Toy et al. [51] Observational study 2016 58 eyes of 30 patients with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

Rate of recurrence or angiographic demonstration of ischemia, leakage, or both requiring rescue laser was 91% in IVB group vs 0% in diode LPC Serious overall risk of bias
Nicoară et al. [50] Observational study 2016 46 eyes of 23 infants with APROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

IVB group had:

 Greater rates of APROP regression (P < 0.001, McNemar test)

Moderate overall risk of bias
Karkhaneh et al. [38] Randomized clinical trial 2016 158 eyes of 79 infants with zone 2/stage 2 or 3 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

IVB group had:

 Higher rate of stage 3 ROP recurrence and retreatment (P = 0.020)

No differences between groups in:

 Need for PPV (P = 0.540)

Time between treatment and retreatment (P = 0.290)

Medium overall risk of bias (“Some Concerns” in the RoB 2.0 tool)
Kong et al. [22] Observational study 2015 80 eyes of 42 patients with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

LPC (type unspecified)

No differences between groups at:

 Rate of retreated eyes (P = 0.330)

Serious overall risk of bias due to baseline confounding
Hwang et al. [29] Observational study 2015 54 eyes of 28 infants with type 1 ROP

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

No differences between groups at:

 Rates of ROP recurrence (P = 1.000)

Moderate overall risk of bias
Warren et al. [33] Observational study 2015 47 infants with threshold ROP

IVB (dose unspecified),

LPC (type unspecified)

Anti-VEGF group had:

 Longer time to maturation (P < 0.050)

No differences between groups at:

 Rates of patients requiring retreatment (P > 0.050)

 Patients requiring vitrectomy (P > 0.050)

Serious overall risk of bias due to baseline and time-varying confounding
Moran et al. [49] Randomized clinical trial 2014 28 eyes of 14 infants with symmetrical zone 1 or posterior zone 2 Stage 3+ ROP

IVB (1.25 mg/0.1 ml),

Diode LPC

 Recurrence requiring retreatment: 3 eyes (21.42%) of the IVB group, 1eye (7.14%) of the diode LPC group

IVB group had

 Longer time until recurrence (measured in weeks PMA) (P < 0.050)

High overall risk of bias (“High” in the RoB 2 tool)
Mintz-Hittner et al. [5] Randomized clinical trial 2011 300 eyes of 150 infants with ROP (zone 1 or zone 2 posterior stage 3+)

IVB (0.625 mg/0.025 ml),

Diode LPC

IVB group had:

 Lower rates of ROP recurrence compared to the LPC group (OR = 0.17, 95% CI: 0.05–0.53; P = 0.002, for zones 1 and 2 combined)

Other outcomes:

 Performance of PPV: 2 eyes (IVB group), 13 eyes (LPC group)

Medium overall risk of bias (“Some Concerns” in the RoB 2.0 tool)

anti-VEGF anti-vascular endothelial growth factor, LPC laser photocoagulation, TR-ROP treatment-requiring retinopathy of prematurity, RoB 2 version 2 of the Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials, ROBINS-I risk of bias in non-randomized studies of interventions, ROP retinopathy of prematurity, IVB intravitreal bevacizumab, OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval, PPV pars plana vitrectomy, IVR intravitreal ranibizumab, PMA postmenstrual age, FA fluorescent angiography, APROP aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity