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. 2022 Aug 2;51(6):20210478. doi: 10.1259/dmfr.20210478

Table 2.

Intra- and interobserver agreement and MDC95 of CBCT-based measurements (mm) of condylar height in 73* children and adolescents with JIA

OBS1 (Intraobserver) (first vs second measurements) OBS2 (Interobserver) (OBS one vs OBS 2)
first mean second mean Mean diff. 95% LOA first LOA % MDC95 individ. Mean Mean diff. 95% LOA LOA % MDC95 individ.
(SD)  (SD) (SD) (SD) (SD)
Condylar height Rt 17.5
−1.4–1.4 16.0 1.4 17.6 (3.7) −0.1
−2.4–2.6 28.4 2.8
Condylar height Lt 18.1
−2.0–2.4 24.3 2.2 18.2 (3.7) −0.4
−2.7–3.5 34.1 3.0

CBCT: Cone-beam computed tomography.Diff: Difference.LOA: 95% Level of agreement. Lt, Left side ; MDC95individ, Individual minimal detectable change; OBS: Observer.Rt: Right side.SD: Standard deviation.

* 73 of the 90 children and adolescents with JIA had CBCT examinations available for these analyses because the field of view (FOV) did not cover the structure of incisura mandibulae in 17 participants.
