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. 2023 Mar 8;12(3):543. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics12030543

Table 3.

Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the nanoparticles synthesized from Asteraceae family.

Plant Name FTIR Absorption Bands (cm−1) Possible Functional Group References
Plant Extract NPs
Silver NPs
Acanthospermum hispidum 3786 - -OH [17]
2964 - C-H
1706 - C=O
1601 - C=C
1016 - C-O
Ageratum conyzoides - 3440.29 N-H stretching [13]
- 2358.95 C-H
1383.98 - Alcohol, ethers, esters, carboxylic acids, and amino acids
1613.99 - C=O
1074.83 - C-OH
Ambrosia arborescens - 1570 C=C [21]
- 1050 CO
1337.47 - O-H
3280 - OH
- -
Anthemis atropatana - 1014 C-O [22]
- 1048 C-O stretching
3344 1595 N-H bending
- 2368 Cyanide
Arctium lappa 596 632 C-Cl stretching [6]
1033 1036 C-N
1336 1384 N-H
2870 2853 C-H stretching
3375 3375 O-H stretching
Arnicae anthodium 3284 - -OH stretching [23]
2853 - -C-H stretching
1735 - C=C
1622 - C=O
1370 - -C-O
1027 - -C-O-C
- 430, 395 -OH
Artemisia marschalliana 3463 - O-H [24]
3510 - Protein binding
2962, 2823 - C-H
1624 - C-O
- 1398 C-N
1049 1038 C-O-C
Artemisia turcomanica 13,429 3429–3473 O-H [25]
3029 - C-H
2929 - Aliphatic group
1635 - C=O
1459 - CH2
1273 - C-O-C phenolic stretching
1064, 1119, 1168 - C-O-C
1201 - C-O-C stretching
1000 - C=C-H
- 1635–1624 Carbonyl amide group
- 1382 N=O
Artemisia vulgaris 3419, 3151 - O=H [26]
1619 - -C=O
1400 - -C-N
1069 - -C-O
Carthamus tinctorius 3293 - -OH [33]
2932 - C-H
1725 - C=O
1599 1533 C=C
1414 - C=C aromatic
1053 - C-O
860 - C-H
818 - #ERROR!
776 323 N-H
Chrysanthemum indicum 3293 - –OH [38]
2932 - C–H
1725 - C=O
1053 - C=C,C–O–H
1599 - C=C
- 1288 to 1299 Ag
Chrysanthemum morifolium 1406 - C=C group [39]
1078 - C–O stretch
2921 - C–H
3384 - O–H
Cichorium intybus 3413.05 - O–H alcoholic group [40]
2922.98 - Aliphatic C–H group
1619.08 - C=C
1384.6 - C–H
1114.28 - C–O–C
- 874.47 N–H
Cosmos caudatus 3364.81 - O–H [41]
2925.49 - C–H
1650.59 - C=O
1384.67 - C-N
1067.62 - O–H secondary alcohols
Cosmos Sulphureus - 1643.35 ––C==C–– [42]
- 2980.02 C––H
- 3421.72 O––H
1637.56 - ––C==C––
2981.95, 3748.2 - C––H
Cynara scolymus - 538 Ag+ to Ag [45]
Dahlia pinnata 1064 and 3265 - Aromatic compounds [46]
2916 - C-H stretching of aldehydes
673 and 1595 - Halo-alkanes and bending of C-H bonds
Echinacea purpurea 3,203 - OH stretching [49]
2929 and 2829 - C–H bonds
Echinops sp. 3395 - OH stretching frequencies [50]
1718 - C=O vibration of ketonic groups
2925 - C−H stretching mode
601 - Ag–O bond
Eclipta alba 3603 and 3471 - O–H stretch [51]
3379 and 3278 - Primary and secondary amines and amides
2931 - C–H stretch
1064 - C–N stretch represents aliphatic amines
Elephantopus scaber 1611 to 1400 - Presence of aromatic rings in the leaf extract. [52]
1109 - Presence of OH groups
Erigeron bonariensis 3376 - -OH groups of phenolic compounds and -NH stretching of the proteins [53]
- 3434 Intensity of Ag
Helichrysum graveolens 2927 - C–O stretching, free [60]
1608 - C=O stretching
1035 - C–N stretching
1417 - O–H bend
- 820 C–O stretching
- 606 C–X stretching vibration
2358 - C–H asymmetric stretching
Oedera genistifolia 1117 - Plant extract [67]
1118 - NP synthesized
Spilanthes calva 3919.31 - O-H-stretch [80]
3435 - O-H-stretch
1412.79 - C-F stretch
1257.83 - C-F stretch
Tagetes erecta 3401 - O–H group [83]
2940 - Aromatic compounds
1673 - –C=C– bond
1104 - C–N bond
Taraxacum officinale 3360 to 3400 - -NH2 in primary aromatic amines and -OH groups [85]
2300 to 2990 - C-H
1421 - C=C
1610 - C=O
1063 - C-OH
Tithonia diversifolia 3398 - O–H stretching vibrations of polyols [86]
1641 - Stretching vibration of (NH) C O group
- 672 N–H
Tragopogon Collinus 3385 - OH [88]
2921 - NH
- 1640 C–O in amide I
- 1413 NH2 group in amide II
Vernonia cinerea 1633 - Amide I, C=O groups [91]
3431 - O–H stretching
1515 and 1540 - –C=C (aromatic ring)
1380 - O–H in-plane bend of phenol
Wedelia chinensis 1022 - C–O [92]
1326 - C-O-C stretching
1696 - C=O
Gold NPs
Arctium lappa 3307 - -OH stretching and the aliphatic methylene group -C-H stretching [94]
2151 - Alkynes group
1634 - Carboxyl stretching
- 415, 406, 394 and 383 Metal biomolecules found in the extract
Erigeron annuus 3100, 2850, 2620, 1300, 1100, and 620 - Extract [100]
2900 - C-H stretching vibration in methylene group
1405 - Hydrocarbons of methylene group
Rhanterium epapposum 1622 to 1630 - C=O stretching of carbonyl groups [72]
- 925 to 553 Stretching of haloalkanes
Stevia rebaudiana 1078 - Nitrogen–carbon C-N bond stretching of aliphatic amine groups [104]
240 and 1634 - Amides III and II bands of proteins
- 1629 Amide I
Copper NPs
Ageratum houstonianum 3264.96 - O–H stretch [159]
2916.19 - N+–H stretch
2359.9 - C–H stretching
- 1074.64 O-C stretching
- 667.81 Aromatic H bending
- 597.86
Blumea balsamifera 3378 - OH bond of phenolic compound such as flavonoids, tannins, and glycoside [108]
1100 and 1700 C-O and C=O
610 Cu NPs
Eclipta prostrata 3333 - Hydroxy group [109]
2917 - Methylene C-H asym./sym. stretch
1615 - Aromatic ring stretch
- 1610 NH C=O to metals CuNPs
Pluchea sericea 3341 - O-H stretching [110]
2935 - C-H and N-H bonds
1623–1410 - C=N stretching vibrations
1046 - C=O
- 622 Cu NPs
Titanium oxide NPs
Ageratina altissima 3287 - Alcohol, phenols with O-H stretches [137]
2922 - Ammonium ions with N-H stretching
1645 - Acyclic compound with C-C stretching
1537 - Aliphatic of the nitro compound with stretching of N-O
1238 - C-O stretching
1150 - Alcohol compound with C-O stretching
Echinacea purpurea 1024 - C-O stretching alcohols [138]
1385 - C-H rock alkenes
1590 - C=C characteristic of saturated hydrocarbons
3320 - O-H
Sonchus asper 3937 - OH stretching vibrations [139]
3190 - N-H stretching
2851 - Symmetric CH2 stretching bands
2600 - H bonded NH vibrations
- 1000 and 500 Ti-O-Ti linkage in TiO2
Copper oxide NPs
Eupatorium odoratum 3976 - Adsorbed water molecules [136]
3406 - -OH stretching vibrations of phenolic group
1520 - C‚ C stretch in aromatic rings
1420 - O-H bend of polyphenol
- 1121 Cu-OH vibrations
- 815 and 613 -CH bending vibrations
- 653 and 610 Cu-O signals

Note: NPs: nanoparticles;—: not applicable.