Testing of spatial learning and memory using the water maze task. (1, 2) given as mean ± SD and (3) were presented as boxplots showing the quartiles, the 5th and 95th percentiles (whiskers), the median (line) and the mean (x). (A1) Cumulative duration in maze during the learning phase pre-CA using platform at N position. In all groups, the mice have learned where the invisible platform was placed (d –6 vs. d –1: p = 0.000). (A2–3) Spatial probe post-CA-CPR without N-platform. (A2) The cumulative duration in the individual zones of the arena without N-platform (first and second trials) was not different between zone N vs. W and zone S vs. E. But all other comparisons of cumulative durations in the zones showed significant differences (p-values see A2). (A3) Frequency at which the position of the platform was directly swum through during a 2 min time in the water maze. Significance tested between Trial 1 and Trial 2 (p = 0.003). (B) Sample photo of mouse tracking (red line) on learning day 3 in the arena showing zones (N, S, E, W), position of invisible platform (N) and different starting positions (arrows) used in alternating. (C1) Cumulative duration in maze during the learning phase post-CA-CPR using position of Platform W. (C2) Spatial probe post-CA-CPR without W-platform. Cumulative duration in the individual zones of the arena without W-platform.