a, Pseudotime DEGs (generalized additive model, FDR-adjusted P value < 0.05) shared by human activated microglia isolated from the putamen of cognitively normal controls (CTRL), AD and PD samples, pfc of control and AD samples, ec of control and AD samples and temporal or frontal lobes (tc) of glioblastoma multiforme samples reported by Sankowski et al. b, Cell death-related GO terms enriched in the pseudotime DEGs. c, GO terms related to Aβ pathology, tauopathy, and autophagy that were enriched in the pseudotime DEGs. d, Top KEGG pathways enriched in the pseudotime DEGs. Pathways with FDR-adjusted P value < 0.05 (hypergeometric test) and at least five query genes were considered statistically significant. Up: upregulated; down: downregulated; NotDEG: not pseudotime DEG.