A 3D representation of evolutionarily conserved residues in Ack1 KD. (A) Sequence conservation of Ack1 KD presented as a cartoon diagram from two viewpoints (panel (A) rotated by 180° as panels (B,C)) and determined using the ConSurf server [96,97,98,99,100,101] using the crystal structure of active Ack1 (PDB: 4EWH) as the input. ConSurf assigns each residue with a normalized score of 1 to 9, where 1 indicates the least conserved (highly evolving) sites, and 9 corresponds to the most evolutionarily conserved positions. The conservation scores were mapped onto the Ack1 KD structure (PDB 4EWH) using ConSurf color code, with a cyan-to-maroon gradient corresponding to the variable (1) to conserved (9) positions. The panels depict conserved residues (with a score of 8 or 9) in the space-filling model. (B) The N-lobe rotated by 180° from panel (A). (C) The C-lobe rotated by 180° from panel (A).