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. 2023 Mar 13;11(6):837. doi: 10.3390/healthcare11060837

Table 1.

Summary of related work for COVID-19 detection.

Cited Methodology Dataset Results Parameters Limitations
Yujin et al. [12] A Patch-based CNN method was developed based on ResNet-18 architecture. JSRT + NLM ACC = 88%,
F1-score = 84%,
SEN = 96%,
SPE = 81%
NIL The method is considered computationally complex because of complex image pre-processing and classification steps.
Tulin et al. [21] The DCN model was proposed. OWN Datasets ACC = 98%,
F1-score = 96%,
SEN = 95%,
SPE = 95%
678 Trainable The limited number of COVID-19 samples used.
Fan et al. [22] The inf-Net deep learning model was developed. COVID-19 CT Collection SEN = 87%,
SPE = 97%.
NIL Only focused on lung infection segmentation rather than classifying COVID-19 patients.
Complex approach to obtain multi-class label infection label.
Linda et al. [18] The covid-Net deep learning model for detection. COVIDx ACC = 93% 11.78 million The method has degraded performance.
Ezz et al. [23] The covidXNet model was proposed OWN Datasets ACC = 90% NIL Training complexity; several deep learning models were used to train.
Sakshi et al. [21,24] Several pre-trained models were used in the study. CT scan Dataset ACC = 99%.
SEN = 100%,
SPE = 98%
NIL No effective evaluation of the deep learning model because only one train–test split strategy is used.
Ali et al. [25] Several deep learning models are use in this work. Dr Joseph Dataset,
ChestX-ray8 Dataset,
Kagge ChestXray Datasets
ACC = 96%,
ACC = 99%,
ACC = 99%
210.4 Millions Several deep learning models used in the proposed work, making them complex.
Abbasian et al. [26] A comparative study of 10 deep learning models was presented. Own Datasets ACC = 100% NIL Limited in terms of model complexity.
Lamia et al. [28] A multi-level threshold and SVM method were proposed. Montgomery County X-ray Set ACC-97%,
SPE = 99%,
SEN = 95%
NIL Low generalizability problem.
Constantinou et al. [27] Several deep learning models are used in this work. Chest X-ray Image PRE = 96%.
RECALL = 96%
ACC = 96%
NIL Low generalization problem.
Oguz et al. [30] ResNet 50 and SVM Model. CT Images ACC = 96%,
F1_score = 95%
23 Million Limited in terms of data used in work
Ieracitano et al. [31] A fuzzy logic-based deep learning (DL) approach called CovNNet CXR Images ACC = 81% NIL Degraded performance
Chakraborty et al. [14] DLM method is used to detect COVID. CXR Images ACC = 96%.
SEN = 93%
11 Million Lack of model validation because of limited data.
Nasiri et al. [32] DenseNet 169 and extreme gradient boosting CXR Images ACC = 98%. NIL Low sensitivity achieved in two-class problem