Table 2.
Proband 1 | Family 2 | Proband 3 | |
Transcript ID | NM_007126.5(VCP):c.1106T>C | NM_007126.5(VCP):c.478G>C | NM_007126.5(VCP):c.760A>T |
Protein | NP_009057.1:p.Ile369Thr | NP_009057.1:p.Ala160Pro | NP_009057.1:p.Ile254Phe |
Protein domain of variant localization | D1 | NTD | D1 |
Type of single nucleotide variant | Missense | Missense | Missense |
Allelic status | Heterozygous | Heterozygous | Heterozygous |
Ascertainment | Clinical exome | Research exome | Gene panel |
gnomAD V.2.1.1. | Absent | Absent | Absent |
Ancestry | South Asian Indian | European, Ashkenazi Jewish | Chinese |
ClinVar classification as of 2/3/22 | Uncertain significance. Accession: VCV000963526.7 |
Uncertain significance (4 total: 3 entries (2017–2021) IBMPFD (2 individuals), condition not provided (1 individual), and pathogenic (2018) (1 individual). Accession: VCV000532761.20 |
Uncertain significance (1 entry IBMPFD). Accession: RCV002301822.1 |
MutationTaster (v2021) prediction | Deleterious Tree vote: 84|16 (del|benign) |
Deleterious Tree vote: 87|13 (del|benign) |
Deleterious Tree vote: 80|20 (del|benign). |
Conservation between multiple species | Ile present in 12/12 (total species) | Ala present in 10/12 (total species) Absent in fruit fly, C. elegans | Ile present in 12/12 (total species) |
PolyPhen-2 v2.2.3r406 prediction and score | Possibly damaging, 1.00 | Benign, 0.002 | Possibly damaging, 0.873 |