Figure 2.
Nutrient profile of the PB (in green colour) and AB foods (in orange colour) relative to 100 g or 100 mL: (a) group of beverages including PB “milk alternatives” (almond, oat, and soy “milk”) and AB milk (whole, semi-skimmed, and skimmed cow milk) items; (b) PB “meat alternatives”, PB “pate alternatives”, and AB hamburgers and sausages (beef, chicken, or pork based); (c) PB and AB dairy products (yoghurt and cheese), excluding milks. Each circle represents one type of food, while the different colors of lines represent the grams of nutrient per 100 g of product, as indicated in the legend, in dry weight. The percentage range of water per food group is: (a) 84–91%; (b) 52–70.5%; (c) 37.09–46.44% per cheese products; and 73.01–77.39% per yoghurts.