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. 2023 Mar 28. Online ahead of print. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00129-9

Table 1.

LFD performance in SARS-CoV-2 PCR-positive samples (n=4131)

LFD negative; n (%) or median (IQR); n=1522 LFD positive; n (%) or median (IQR); n=2609 Sensitivity (95% CI) OR (95% CI) p value Adjusted OR (95% CI) p value
Log10 viral load* 3·84 (2·48–5·02) 6·12 (5·29–6·80) .. 2·80 (2·63–2·98) <0·0001 2·85 (2·66–3·06) <0·0001
LFD type
Innova 1270 (38·7%) 2008 (61·3%) 61·3% (59·6–62·9) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Acon 70 (27·7%) 183 (72·3%) 72·3% (66·4–77·8) 1·65 (1·24–2·20) 0·0005 1·65 (0·96–2·83) 0·070
Orient Gene 182 (30·3%) 418 (69·7%) 69·7% (65·8–73·3) 1·45 (1·20–1·75) 0·0001 1·11 (0·78–1·57) 0·56
Test setting
Unselected community-based testing 676 (28·4%) 1705 (71·6%) 71·6% (69·8–73·4) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Health-care workers 10 (35·7%) 18 (64·3%) 64·3% (44·1–81·4) 0·71 (0·33–1·55) 0·40 0·60 (0·14–2·50) 0·48
Predeployment evaluation 530 (47·2%) 593 (52·8%) 52·8% (49·8–55·8) 0·44 (0·38–0·51) <0·0001 0·51 (0·36–0·73) 0·0002
Schools 52 (58·4%) 37 (41·6%) 41·6% (31·2–52·5) 0·28 (0·18–0·43) <0·0001 0·70 (0·30–1·63) 0·41
Targeted groups 233 (50·1%) 232 (49·9%) 49·9% (45·3–54·5) 0·39 (0·32–0·48) <0·0001 0·51 (0·33–0·78) 0·0018
Universities 16 (42·1%) 22 (57·9%) 57·9% (40·8–73·7) 0·55 (0·28–1·04) 0·067 0·84 (0·31–2·33) 0·74
Workplaces 5 (71·4%) 2 (28·6%) 28·6% (3·7–71·0) 0·16 (0·03–0·82) 0·028 0·12 (0·01–1·86) 0·13
Age 34 (25–47) 36 (25–47) .. 1·00 (1·00–1·01) 0·34 1·00 (0·99–1·00) 0·41
Unknown 105 151 NA .. .. .. ..
Self-reported sex
Female 740 (35·9%) 1323 (64·1%) 64·1% (62·0–66·2) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Male 680 (37·4%) 1139 (62·6%) 62·6% (60·3–64·8) 0·94 (0·82–1·07) 0·33 0·89 (0·75–1·07) 0·21
Unknown 102 147 NA .. .. .. ..
Assistance in interpreting test result
Assisted 602 (47·5%) 665 (52·5%) 52·5% (49·7–55·3) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Self-interpreted 920 (32·1%) 1944 (67·9%) 67·9% (66·1–69·6) 1·91 (1·67–2·19) <0·0001 0·79 (0·60–1·05) 0·11
Symptom status
Asymptomatic 648 (47·2%) 724 (52·8%) 52·8% (50·1–55·4) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Symptomatic 847 (31·3%) 1859 (68·7%) 68·7% (66·9–70·4) 1·96 (1·72–2·25) <0·0001 1·63 (1·30–2·04) <0·0001
Unknown 27 26 NA .. .. .. ..
Vaccination status
Unvaccinated 874 (42·7%) 1171 (57·3%) 57·3% (55·1–59·4) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
One dose 163 (32·4%) 340 (67·6%) 67·6% (63·3–71·7) 1·56 (1·27–1·91) <0·0001 1·13 (0·81–1·57) 0·48
Two or more doses 471 (30·3%) 1083 (69·7%) 69·7% (67·3–72·0) 1·72 (1·49–1·97) <0·0001 1·13 (0·81–1·59) 0·46
Unknown 14 15 NA .. .. .. ..
Assigned SARS-CoV-2 variant
Alpha (B.1.1.7) or pre-alpha (B.1.177) 674 (44·3%) 846 (55·7%) 55·7% (53·1–58·2) 1 (ref) .. 1 (ref) ..
Delta (B.1.617.2) 545 (36·0%) 970 (64·0%) 64·0% (61·6–66·4) 1·42 (1·23–1·64) <0·0001 1·00 (0·69–1·45) 0·99
Omicron (BA.1 or BA.2) 290 (27·0%) 783 (73·0%) 73·0% (70·2–75·6) 2·15 (1·82–2·55) <0·0001 1·63 (1·02–2·59) 0·042
Other or unknown 13 (56·5%) 10 (43·5%) 43·5% (23·2–65·5) 0·61 (0·27–1·41) 0·25 0·43 (0·15–1·23) 0·12

Denominators for percentages are the total number of LFD-negative and LFD-positive samples in each row. The logistic regression analyses show ORs for LFD positivity, such that higher ORs represent greater sensitivity. There was no evidence that adjusted models allowing for a non-linear relationship between the natural log odds of a positive result and log10 viral load or age (using splines with up to five knots) improved model fit based on the Bayesian information criterion. LFD=lateral flow device. n=number of samples. OR=odds ratio. NA=not applicable.


OR is for the odds of LFD positivity per 1 log10 copies per mL increase in viral load.

ORs per 1-year increase.

Data not summarised or analysed as there is no obvious interpretation.