Uridine supplementation markedly suppressed ferroptosis in THP-1 cells after LPS stimulation. (A) Immunoblots for NRF2, ASCL4, SLC7A11, HO1, GPX4 and ATCB (β-actin) in the indicated group either treated with LPS (10 μg/mL) or uridine (200 μM) or both. (B–D) Relative mRNA expression of GPX4, SLC7A11 and HO1 in the indicated group. (E) Cell viability determined by CCK8 assay in the indicated group. Fer-1 (Ferrostatin-1, 5μM) and Era (Erastin, 5 μM) were treated 30 min after uridine supplementation. (F) Representative images of fluorescence probe for ROS. n = 6 per group (Data are presented as Mean ± SD, * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 compared with indicated group).