(a) Impact of A. paniculata on the serum leptin of treated rats. (b) Impact of A. paniculata on the serum adiponectin of treated rats. (c) Impact of A. paniculata on the serum insulin of treated rats. The data are given as mean ± SE. Mean values with distinct alphabetical letters were significantly different at p < 0.05 (ANOVA, Tukey’s post hoc). N, normal diet; NC, normal diet + DMH; H, HFD; HC, HFD + DMH; HCF, HFD + DMH + 5-FU; HCAP125, HFD + DMH + 125 mg/kg A. paniculata ethanol extract; HCAP250, HFD + DMH + 250 mg/kg A. paniculata ethanol extract; HCAP500, HFD + DMH + 500 mg/kg A. paniculata ethanol extract.