Sensitivity of wild type and mutant cells to sodium chloride. Wild type (WT) and mutant cells, lacking HAP4 (hap4∆), RTG2 (rtg2∆), or HAP4 and RTG2 (hap4∆ rtg2∆), were grown overnight in YPD medium and diluted to 1 OD600, and ten-fold serial dilutions were spotted on YPD plates without (CTRL) or with 0.8 M sodium chloride (NaCl). Growth was scored after 2–3 days. Growth on plates was quantified by using a quantitative imaging-based protocol described in Petropavlovskiy et al. [22]. Data were analyzed using unpaired Student’s t-test: * p < 0.01 was considered significant when comparing wild type versus hap4∆ cells at day 2 from three independent experiments.