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. 2023 Jan 23;128(7):1360–1368. doi: 10.1038/s41416-023-02141-0

Table 3.

Multivariable analysis of recurrence-free survival including clinicopathological and molecular features for MMRd, p53abn and NSMP endometrial cancers.

MMRd EC (n = 206, 58 events) p53abn EC (n = 164, 85 events) NSMP EC (n = 202, 60 events)
HR 95% CI p-value HR 95% CI p-value HR 95% CI p-value
  ≤60 years 1 NP NP
  >60 years 1.55 0.88–2.74 0.13
  I–II 1 1 1
  III 2.33 1.36–3.98 0.002 3.66 2.34–5.72 <.001 2.18 1.27–3.75 0.005
Histology and grade
  Endometrioid, low-grade 1
  Endometrioid, high-grade NP NP 2.39 1.16–4.94 0.018
  Non-endometrioid 1.54 0.63–3.81 0.35
Treatment received
  RT (VBT or EBRT) NP 1 1
  RT (VBT or EBRT) + CT 0.56 0.33–0.93 0.025 0.44 0.22–0.88 0.020
  Negative (<10%) NP NP 1
  Positive (≥10%) 0.33 0.15–0.75 0.008

Model fit multivariable models: MMRd (AIC 510.85, C-index 0.63), p53abn (AIC 652.18, C-index 0.67), NSMP (AIC 499.16, C-index 0.70). Bootstrap resampling model validation: MMRd (C-index re-estimation 0.64), p53abn (C-index re-estimation 0.68), NSMP (C-index re-estimation 0.70).

MMRd mismatch repair-deficient, EC endometrial cancer, p53abn p53-abnormal, NSMP no specific molecular profile, HR hazard ratio, CI confidence interval, NP not performed, LVSI lymphovascular space invasion, RT radiotherapy, VBT vaginal brachytherapy, EBRT external beam radiotherapy, CT chemotherapy.