Figure 2.
The impact of ISO (1µM) treatment on the viability and surface expression of co-stimulatory molecules on CD11c+ expressing naïve DC (nDCs) and tumor lysate induced DCs (iDCs) was evaluated after 48 hours. (A) ISO reduced nDCs viability, while having no effect on iDCs. (B, C) Both nDCs and iDCs treated with ISO showed significant decreases in surface expression of co-stimulatory molecules, MHC-II+, CD86+ and CD40+. (D) iDCs exposed to ISO showed a higher decrease in MHC-II, CD86 and CD40 surface expression compared to nDCs. The fold change was calculated by comparing the ISO treated population to the respective control (untreated nDCs or lysate-only treated iDCs) using the formula [(ISO treated population/Control population)-1]. (E) The results are demonstrated by representative contour plots of MHC-II+, CD86+ and CD40+ cell populations, showing the intensity of ISO treated nDCs and iDCs overlaid with their respective controls. Statistical analysis was carried out using unpaired t-test, One-way ANOVA & Two-way ANOVA tests where applicable. P values less than 0.05 were considered significant. * P <0.05, ** P <0.005, *** P <0.0005, **** P <0.0001.