WGCNA of the transcripts in mesocotyl (MES) and coleoptile (COL) of Zheng58 seedlings in four light stimulations. Gene dendrograms from COL (A) and MES (B) were constructed using average linkage hierarchical clustering, each line represented one gene. The module color underneath the cluster tree showed the result of module assignment by the Dynamic Tree Cut. Correlations between modules eigengenes and COL tissue/traits (C), and MES tissue/trait (D). The color of each module was the same as that in (A, B), respectively. The correlation coefficient (r) and p-value were shown in each cell. The traits including mesocotyl length (MESL), coleoptile length (COLL), mesocotyl coarse (MESC), coleoptile coarse (COLC), mesocotyl fresh weight (MESW), coleoptile fresh weight (COLW), indole-3-acetic acid content in MES/COL [IAA(MES/COL)], trans-zeatin content in MES/COL [tZ(MES/COL)], gibberellin 3 content in MES/COL [GA3(MES/COL)], abscisic acid content in MES/COL [ABA(MES/COL)], jasmonic acid content in MES/COL [JA(MES/COL)], and salicylic acid content in MES/COL [SA(MES/COL)], phenylalanine ammonia-lyase activity in MES/COL [PAL(MES/COL)], peroxidase activity in MES/COL [POD(MES/COL)], and lignin content in MES/COL [Lignin(MES/COL)].