Table 29.
Space allowance (m2/calf) | Behaviours that can be expressed |
1.5 |
No locomotor play behaviour possible (EKE result) Calves spend most of time (70%) lying down (Calvo‐Lorenzo et al., 2016) (indicating low levels of general activity) |
1.8 |
No locomotor play behaviour possible (EKE result) Calves start ingesting feed at an earlier age, compared with when provided 1.25 m2 (Hulbert et al., 2019) because their feeding and exploratory behaviours are facilitated |
3 | No data in literature |
4 | Compared with a space allowance of 1.8 m2, calves at 3.7 m2 increase general activity (defined as any activity other than laying down) (Calvo‐Lorenzo et al., 2016) |
6 | No data in the literature |
10 | No data in the literature |
15 | No data in the literature |
29.5 | Calves are expected to show same levels of play as if not restricted by space. No data in the literature on other behaviours. |