An exemplary illustration of accurately predicted cases (left, original images; right, Group-CAM heatmaps). A A case (Image Index: 00000761_010.pgn, label: Atelectasis) showed right attention of atelectasis at the left lower lung. B A case (Image Index: 00012834_049.png, label: Edema|Effusion|Infiltration) showed the right attention to diffused edema, effusion, and infiltration at bilateral lungs. C A case (Image Index: 00012834_049.png, label: Consolidation) showed the right attention of extensive consolidation at the right lower lung. D A case (Image Index: 00014849_011.png, label: Fibrosis) showed the right attention of fibrosis at bilateral lungs. E A case (Image Index: 00009658_002.png, label: Atelectasis|Mass|Pleural_Thickening) showed the right attention of a mass with atelectasis and peripheral pleural thickening at the right upper lung. F A case (Image Index: 00002935_000.png, label: Emphysema) showed the right attention of emphysema at bilateral lungs. Abbreviation: Group-CAM, group-score-weighted class activation mapping