Table 3.
Patent Families on Methods of Delivery and Compositions to Introduce Exogenous dsRNAs into Plant Cells.
Application Number |
Priority Date | Legal Status | Assignee | Invention Details |
US15/579,120 | 03.06.2015 | Granted in US (2020) |
Monsanto Technology LLC |
Composition: Polynucleotide, particulate and osmolyte Delivery: Abrading a surface of a plant with a particulate, followed by applying an RNA onto the plant surface |
US15/579,125 | 02.06.2015 | Granted in US (2021), EP (2021) |
Monsanto Technology LLC |
Composition: Polynucleotide, at least one lipase enzyme, one or more osmolytes, surfactants, abrasives or any combination Delivery: Applying lipase enzyme, osmolytes, and surfactants, followed by an RNA onto the plant surface |
US16/062,008 | 14.12.2015 | Granted in US (2021) EP (2021) |
Monsanto Technology LLC |
Composition: Polynucleotide targeting gene of flea beetle and cross-linked cationic polysaccharide Delivery: Applying onto a seed, plant surface or foliar spray |
US61/748,095 | 01.01.2013 | Granted in AU (2019), CN (2019), US (2018) |
AB Seeds Ltd./Monsanto Technology LLC |
Delivery: Soaking ungerminated seed with a solution comprising a concentration of between 0.005 and 1.5 pg/pL of the dsRNA molecule, followed by drying the seed |
US16/583,863 | 26.09.2018 | Granted in US (2021) |
Greenlight Biosciences Inc |
Composition: dsRNA targeting Leptinotarsa decemlineata Inhibitor of Apoptosis (IAP) gene Delivery: Spray, fog, seed treatment, drench, drip irrigation, in furrow, insect diet, or bait |
US15/752,274 | 13.08.2015 | Pending | Forrest Innovations Ltd. |
Composition: Polynucleotide and at least one cell wall degrading enzyme, a nucleic acid condensing agent, a transfection reagent, a surfactant, and a cuticle penetrating agent |
US14/381,045 | 06.03.2014 | Granted in JP (2020) US (2020) |
Composition: Polynucleotide and a carrier peptide containing a cell-penetrating sequence and a penetrating polycationic sequence |
Application number | Priority Date | Legal Status | Assignee | Invention Details |
US15/106,548 | 20.12.2013 | Granted in AU (2018), CA (2021), EP (2019), ES (2020), US (2020) |
University of Queensland |
Composition: dsRNA and layered double hydroxide with a charge ratio is 2:1 to 1:20 Delivery: Spray |