Figure 1: Δ9-THC exposure provokes the proliferation of ESCs but not EpiLCs.
(A) Diagram illustrating Δ9-THC exposure scheme and experimental strategy. bFGF: basic fibroblast growth factor, ESCs, embryonic stem cells; EpiLCs, epiblast-like cells; LIF, leukemia inhibitory factor. (B, E, H) Whisker boxplot indicating the median cellular viability of stem cells exposed to the different Δ9-THC doses and associated errors. (C, F, I) Whisker boxplot indicating the median number of viable cells exposed to the different Δ9-THC doses indicated and associated errors. (D, G, J) Whisker boxplot indicating the median percentage of BrdU-stained cells exposed to the different Δ9-THC doses and associated errors. ESCs exposed cells are presented in (B, C and D). EpiLCs exposed cells deriving from unexposed ESCs are presented in (E, F and G). EpiLCs exposed cells deriving from exposed ESCs are presented in (H, I and J). At least three independent biological repeats with three technical replicates (N=3, n=3). Statistical significance: *(p<0.05), **(p<0.01), ***(p<0.001), ****(p<0.0001).