a, Representative fluorescence images showing that compared with scramble shRNA transfection (right), shRNA knockdown of ITGβ5 (left) reduces the FCHo2-GFP accumulation at the ends of vitronectin-coated nanobars in U2OS cells. b, Quantifications of the FCHo2-GFP curvature preference in wild-type (N=29), scramble shRNA-transfected (N=34), or ITGβ5-knockdown (N=36) U2OS cells. Data are mean ± SD. P values calculated using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison. c, Representative fluorescence images showing that neither shRNA knockdown of FCHo1 (left) nor scramble shRNA transfection (right) affects ITGβ5 accumulation at vitronectin-coated nanopillars. d, Representative fluorescence images showing that compared with scramble shRNA transfection (right), shRNA knockdown of FCHo1/2 (left) does not affect membrane wrapping around vitronectin-coated nanopillars in U2OS cells expressing GFP-CaaX membrane marker. BFP expression is a marker of shRNA transfection. Scale bars: 10 μm.