Fig 1.
LD Score genetic correlations and heritability estimates for the seven indicator phenotypes of the single-factor models of EXT and EXT-minus-23andMe (see Step 1). The left panel displays the analysis of the original study with 23andMe data, the middle panel displays the down-sampled analysis excluding 23andMe data, and the right panel displays the difference in estimates computed by subtracting the values in the middle panel from those in the left panel. The lower and upper triangles display pairwise genetic correlation (rg) estimates and standard errors, respectively. The diagonals display the observed-scale heritability (h2; see Table 1 for standard errors). These results are also reported in Table S1. Abbreviations: ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; ALCP = problematic alcohol use; CANN = lifetime cannabis use; FSEX = age at first sexual intercourse (reverse coded); NSEX = number of sexual partners; RISK = risk tolerance; SMOK = lifetime tobacco initiation.