Figure 5. T5orf172 HEGs regularly contain repeated DNA Binding domains from related Zn-finger domains.
(A) Alignment of the amino acid sequence of the DNA binding domain(s) of each T5orf172 HEG shows the relationship between the domains. After truncating the amino acid sequence of each T5orf172 HEG to remove the T5orf172 domain, as represented by the dashed line in the model below the figure, the remaining sequence was searched for CapR DNA binding and highly related DUF723 or DUF4397 domains with hmmsearch and boxes at leaf tips were labeled accordingly. The number of DNA binding domains identified by hmmsearch are indicated by the bar graph surrounding the tree. If none of the three Zn-finger domains were identified, the sequence was searched with HHsearch to detect DNA binding domains. Domains identified by HHsearch do not have the number of domains quantified, resulting in a filled-in outer square without a domain occurrence count. Colored stars indicate the representative examples shown in (B), colored according to DNA binding domain type.
(B) Representative examples of the domain shading and domain count described in (A). Three representative proteins with CapR, DUF723/4379, or RepA_N annotations in (A). Phage genome names and NCBI protein accession numbers are indicated next to each example.