Fig. 2. TA markedly increases C6 ceramide levels but does not synergize with CNL in controlling 4T1 tumor growth.
a. C6-ceramide levels 24 hrs after TA with three different CNL injection timings relative to TA (n=9–11) (٭p<0.05, ٭٭p<0.01, ٭٭٭٭p<0.0001). b. C6-ceramide levels from Sham and TA treated tumors 24 hrs post treatment (n=8–9) (٭p<0.05). CNL were injected at the time of TA or Sham treatment. Results confirm that injecting CNL at the time of TA is optimal for C6 delivery. c. Tumor growth curves indicate that, while TA controls 4T1 tumor growth, no further statistically significant benefit is conferred by CNL (n=14–16) (٭٭٭٭p<0.0001).