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[Preprint]. 2023 Mar 26:2023.03.26.534150. [Version 1] doi: 10.1101/2023.03.26.534150

Figure 9. Large LAM results in multiseptated cells.

Figure 9.

a) Fluorescence micrographs of HADA-labelled cells. b) Septa enumeration for WT and lipoglycan mutant cells grown planktonically in LB. The combined bar height indicates the total percentage of cells with one or more septa. c) Septa enumeration for WT and ΔmptA L5::mptA-dendra2-flag (mptA comp) cells grown planktonically in neutral (pH 7) or acidic (pH 5.5) LB medium. d) Comparison between the distribution of septum-to-septum distances observed in multiseptated ΔmptA L5::mptA-dendra2-flag cells and multiseptated WT L5::ripAB KD (ripAB KD) cells.