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[Preprint]. 2023 Mar [Version 1] doi: 10.21203/

Figure 2. Targeted inactivation and restoration of Malat1 reveal that Malat1 protects against osteoporosis and bone metastasis.

Figure 2.

a, b. Representative μCT images of 3D bone structures of the femurs from 6-month-old male (a) and female (b) Malat1+/+, Malat1−/−, and Malat1−/−;Malat1Tg/Tg mice.

c, d. μCT-based measurements of the bone mineral density of the femurs from 6-month-old male (c; n = 5-7 mice per group) and female (d; n = 7-10 mice per group) Malat1+/+, Malat1−/−, and Malat1−/−;Malat1Tg/Tg mice, with left and right femurs for each mouse measured.

e. Representative TRAP staining images of the femurs from 6-month-old male Malat1+/+, Malat1−/−, and Malat1−/−;Malat1Tg/Tg mice. Scale bars, 700 μm in upper panels and 100 μm in lower panels.

f, g. Quantification of osteoclast numbers per bone perimeter (Oc.N/B.Pm, f) and osteoclast surface per bone surface (Oc.S/BS, g) in femurs of the mice described in e. n = 5 mice per group.

h-l. μCT images of the surface of calvariae (h), quantification of the relative resorption area (i), TRAP staining images of calvarial sections (j), the number of osteoclasts per bone perimeter (Oc.N/B.Pm, k), and osteoclast surface per bone surface (Oc.S/BS, l) in the calvarial bones from 8-week-old female Malat1+/+, Malat1−/−, and Malat1−/−;Malat1Tg/Tg mice after the administration of PBS or LPS to the calvarial periosteum for 5 days, n = 3-4 mice per group. Scale bars in j, 200 μm.

m-o. Bioluminescent imaging (m), quantification of photon flux (n), and photos (o) of the tibiae of 6-month-old Malat1+/+, Malat1−/−, and Malat1−/−;Malat1Tg/Tg mice at day 26 after intratibial injection of 5,000 B16F1 melanoma cells.

Statistical significance in c, d, f, g, i, k, l, and n was determined by a two-tailed unpaired t-test. Error bars are s.e.m.