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[Preprint]. 2023 Aug 28:2023.03.20.23287465. Originally published 2023 Mar 21. [Version 2] doi: 10.1101/2023.03.20.23287465

Table 1. PDX and Patient summaries.

All PDX and corresponding patient cancers had primary deleterious mutations in exon 11 of BRCA1 (now known as exon 10) as found by BROCA panel sequencing. Patient platinum response was classified as refractory (progression during treatment or within 4 weeks of last platinum dose), resistant (progression-free interval (PFI) < 6 months), partially-sensitive (PFI = 6–12 months), or sensitive (PFI > 12 months). PDX drug response classifications are outlined in Supplementary table 2. BRCA1 Δ11 and Δ11q isoform expression classification for PDX are described in Supplementary tables 3 and 4. HGSOC = high grade serous ovarian carcinoma; TNBC = triple negative breast cancer; OCS = ovarian carcinosarcoma; NR = information not relevant for TNBC; NA = data not available; TFI = treatment free interval; DOD = date of death; FU = follow up.

Patient ID Cancer type BRCA1 mutations (transcript NM_007294.4) Other mutations (BROCA panel) Lines of therapy received for HGSOC First platinu m TFI Primary platinum status Survival from diagnosis D11q expression in PDX D11 expression in PDX PDX platinum response PDX PARPi response
Total for patient Total prior to PDX Platinum prior to PDX PARPi prior to PDX?
#56 HGSOC Germline BRCA1 : c.895_896delGT TP53: c.963del 3 0 0 No 69 months Sensitive 96 months, DOD Very Low Very Low Complete response Partial Response
#56PP HGSOC Germline BRCA1 : c.895_896delGT and somatic BRCA1: c.670+281_1101 del (20%) TP53 :c.963delA; PTEN: c.166delT 8 5 2 Yes Low Very high Stable disease Progressive disease
#206 HGSOC Germline BRCA1 : c.3817C>T TP53 :c.451C>T; BLM rearrangement 4 1 1 No 17 months Sensitive 39 months at last FU Very Low Very Low Complete response Complete response
#124 TNBC Germline BRCA1 : c.1961delA TP53 : c.C844T; RAD51 : c.T659G 4 4 1 No NR NR NA Low Very Low Sensitive Sensitive
#204 TNBC Germline BRCA1 : c.1105 1106insTC TP53 : c.C451T; NBN: c.2006_2021 delinsA NA 0 0 No NR NR NA Very Low Very Low Sensitive Sensitive
#032 HGSOC Somatic BRCA1: c.1251delT TP53 : c.97–1_97– 6del; FANCA : c.3788_3790del 7 6 4 Yes 11 months Partially Sensitive 91 months, DOD Moderate Very Low Stable disease Progressive disease
#049 HGSOC Germline BRCA1 : c.2475delC and somatic BRCA1 : c.4096+3A>C (33%) TP53 : c.428_429insCA 7 4 3 Yes 5 months Platinum resistant 33 months at last FU Very high Very Low Parital response Stable disease
#196 HGSOC Germline BRCA1 : c.1961delA TP53: c.G796A; ATM: c.G1595A 5 5 3 Yes NA NA NA Low Very Low Resistant Resistant
#264 OCS Germline BRCA1 : c.2216_2217delAA TP53 : c.1006G>T 5 5 3 Yes 15 months Sensitive 9 3 mo nths, DOD Very High Very Low Progressive disease Progressive disease