POPG and PI inhibit IL6 mRNA expression and protein secretion in RV-A16-infected AECs. The cells were treated with lipids and infected as in Figure 3. (A) IL6 mRNA expression and (B) IL-6 protein secretion induced by RV-A16 infection with or without lipid treatment. § indicates p < 0.01 and §§ indicates p < 0.001, respectively. The data are shown as mean ± SD from 3 independent experiments for each subject (subject numbers n = 4). Groups consisted of uninfected (UN: white circle), viral binding and cell entry at 4 h (RV16 4 h: gray circle), the virus alone at 48 h p.i. (RV16: dark gray circle), the virus + POPG (RV16 + POPG: bule circle), the virus + PI (RV16 + PI: red circle), the virus + POPC (RV16 + PC: yellow circle), and lipids alone (POPG: blue triangle, PI: red triangle, and PC: yellow triangle).