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. 2023 Feb 28;11(3):629. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11030629

Table 3.

Summary of the main applications and uses of AgNPs as antiviral agents.

Field Description of
System Tested Virus Study Level Ref.
Health sector Potential therapeutic use AgNPs IFVA (H3N2) Laboratory study [20]
Potential therapeutic use Tannic acid-modified AgNPs (TA-AgNP) HSV-2 Laboratory study [24]
Potential therapeutic use TA-AgNPs into Carbopol 974P gel HSV-1 and HSV-2 Laboratory study [25]
Potential therapeutic use TA-AgNPs HSV-2 Laboratory study [44]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs RSV Laboratory study [45]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs functionalized with PVP (ArgovitTM) RVFV Prototype [56]
Prevention AgNPs (ArgovitTM) SARS-CoV-2 Prototype [37]
Coating for surfaces Protective hybrid coatings with AgNPs realized by means of sol gel HIV-1, DENV, HSV-1, IFVA, CoxB3 Prototype [76]
Coating for condoms for the prevention of sexually transmitted viruses AgNP coating by immersion HIV, HSV-1, HSV-2 Prototype [77]
Surgical mask doped with AgNPs by immersion AgNPs obtained by electrochemical method and incorporating an aqueous solution IFVA (H5N1) Prototype [35]
Co-sputtered disposable mask Silver nanoclusters/silica composite coating by co-sputtering method SARS-CoV-2 Prototype [78]
Part of respiratory and surgical masks Graphene–silver nanocomposite FCoV, IBDV Prototype [40]
Veterinary sector Potential therapeutic use AgNPs synthesized by chemical reduction method IBDV Laboratory study [62]
Potential therapeutic use Biologically synthesized AgNPs PPRV Laboratory study [47]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs RVFV Laboratory study [56]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs CVD Laboratory study [79]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs WSSV Laboratory study [80,81]
Potential therapeutic use AgNPs from aqueous extracts of clove NDV Laboratory study [82]
Water and air filtration systems Water treatment AgNPs produced via Lactobacillus fermentum (Biogenic Ag0) UZ1 (bacteriophage), MNV-1 Prototype [83]
Water treatment under UV radiation AgNPs via photochemical reduction of silver nitrate on Aeroxide TiO2 P25 and Anatase TiO2 MS2 (bacteriophage) Laboratory study [84]
Water treatment Fe2O3/Ag NPs coating on fiber glass MS2 (bacteriophage) Laboratory study [85]
Water treatment AgNP-doped and Ag/Cu NP-doped activated carbon by impregnation T4 (bacteriophage) Laboratory study [55]
Water treatment Magnetic hybrid colloid-AgNPs MNV, ɸX174, AdV2 Laboratory study [86]
Water treatment Colloidal and immobilized Ag nanoparticles on a glass substrate MS2 and T4 (bacteriophages) Laboratory study [87]
Air filtration PP nonwoven substrate with a layer of PA6 electrospun nanofiber, impregnated with AgNPs PDCoV Prototype [41]
Air filtration Silver nanoclusters/silica composite coating on air filter IFVA, RSV Laboratory study [63]
Air filtration Silver nanoparticle-coated silica particle IFVA, MS2 (bacteriophage) Laboratory study/Prototype [17,63,88]
Air filtration Nano-Ag0/titania-chitosan MS2 (bacteriophage) Laboratory study [89]
Packaging Polymeric film–AgNPs FCV and Murine Norovirus (MNV) Prototype [57]
Antiviral clothing AgNPs and phospholipid
vesicles in the
FluVA, SARS-Cov 2 Commercial product [90]
Antiviral clothing Electrospun nanofibers with ZnO Nanorods and Ag NPs BCV, Bovine Parainfluenza Virus Type 3 (BPIV3) Laboratory study [37]
Disinfectant for polyester/viscose spunlace
wipes for use in surface disinfection
AgNPs prepared by reducing agent or aqueous solution of PVA in the presence of glucose or photochemical reaction MERS-CoV Prototype [39]