(A) Pre-secretory and post-secretory exosome drug-loading techniques and (B) methods of drug-loading enhancement. Pre-secretory drug loading, carried out before exosome secretion, involves (1) the incubation of the parent cell with the drug (transfection) and (2) gene editing. Post-secretory drug loading, carried out after exosome secretion, generally works in two ways: (1) passive incubation of the drug with the exosomes to allow the drug to attach to the exosome lipid bilayer membrane, or (2) the use of mechanical or chemical techniques, such as sonication and electroporation, to momentarily weaken the exosome membrane integrity to allow for the diffusion of the drug into the extracellular vesicles. The illustration was cre6ated with BioRender.com (https://app.biorender.com; accessed on 16 January 2023).