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. 2023 Mar 29;6(3):e235321. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.5321

Table 3. Criteria Required for Diagnosis of Cesarean Scar Disorder and Conditions That Should Be Ruled Out Before Confirming the Diagnosis.

Diagnostic criteria RoA, % Conditions to exclude RoA, %
Minimum of 3 regular menstrual cycles after CD before diagnosis can be made 93.5 Cervical dysplasia 74.2
A patient needs to be premenopausal 100 Vaginal/uterine infections 74.2
The complaints of a symptomatic niche should start after a CD or should worsen significantly after a CD 80.6 Other uterine intracavitary pathology 93.5
A patient can be cured from a symptomatic niche (this does not mean that all symptomatic niche should be treated) 87.1 Other causes of postmenstrual spotting (such as continuous oral contraceptive use or intrauterine device) 80.6
NA NA Anovulatory cycles 100

Abbreviations: CD, cesarean delivery; NA, not applicable; RoA, rate of agreement.