Data are presented as geometric mean ratio of ALT to baseline. Baseline is defined as the mean of measurements taken at the screening and baseline visits. A repeated-measures ANCOVA was performed for the log-transformed ratio to baseline. P values were based on two-sided ANCOVA test: *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01. Error bars represent s.e.; n for placebo, licogliflozin 30 mg and licogliflozin 150 mg are 21, 42, 38 (day 7); 21, 43, 36 (day 14); 21, 42, 34 (day 28); 20, 42, 34 (day 56); 20, 40, 34 (day 84); 19, 39, 34 (EOS). n, number of patients in each treatment group; s.e., standard error.