Figure 2.
Experimental results from the melt growth of γ-InSe inside SWCNTs: (a) 200 kV TEM of InSe@SWCNT; (b) 200 kV TEM of externally bound γ-InSe nanoparticle; (c) EDX spectrum of the area shown in (a); (d) XPS spectrum of InSe@SWCNT showing the Se 3d environment (e) 80 kV AC-TEM image of a single InSe nanoribbon inside a SWCNT with two distinct orientations highlighted in blue and yellow boxes; (f) molecular models created from single-layer InSe showing the proposed appearance of the two distinct orientations seen in (e), the (110) plane shown in the blue box and the (001) plane shown in the yellow box.