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. 2023 Mar 1;14(2):163–171. doi: 10.6004/jadpro.2023.14.2.7

Table 5. Management of Immune Effector Cell–Associated Neurotoxicity Syndrome.

Grade Presenting symptoms Actions
Grade 1 ICE score 7–9, or depressed level of consciousness: awakens spontaneously
  • Withhold teclistamab-cqyv until ICANS resolves.

  • Monitor neurologic symptoms and consider consultation with neurologist and other specialists for further evaluation and management, including consideration for starting nonsedating, antiseizure medicines for seizure prophylaxis.

Grade 2 ICE score 3–6, or depressed level of consciousness: awakens to voice
  • Withhold teclistamab-cqyv until ICANS resolves.

  • Administer dexamethasone 10 mg intravenously every 6 hours; continue dexamethasone use until resolution to grade 1 or less then taper.

  • Monitor neurologic symptoms and consider consultation with neurologist and other specialists for further evaluation and management, including consideration for starting nonsedating, antiseizure medicines for seizure prophylaxis.

  • Patients should be hospitalized for 48 hours following the next dose of teclistamab-cqyv.

Grade 3 ICE score 0–2, or depressed level of consciousness: awakens only to tactile stimulus, or seizures, either:
  • Any clinical seizure, focal or generalized, that resolves rapidly

  • Non-convulsive seizures on electroencephalogram (EEG) that resolve with intervention

or raised intracranial pressure: focal/local edema on neuroimaging
First occurrence of grade 3 ICANS:
  • Withhold teclistamab-cqyv until ICANS resolves.

  • Administer dexamethasone 10 mg intravenously every 6 hours; continue dexamethasone use until resolution to grade 1 or less, then taper.

  • Monitor neurologic symptoms and consider consultation with neurologist and other specialists for further evaluation and management, including consideration for starting nonsedating, antiseizure medicines for seizure prophylaxis.

  • Provide supportive therapy, which may include intensive care.

  • Patients should be hospitalized for 48 hours following the next dose of teclistamab-cqyv.

Recurrent grade 3 ICANS:
  • Permanently discontinue teclistamab-cqyv.

  • Administer dexamethasone 10 mg intravenously and repeat dose every 6 hours; continue dexamethasone use until resolution to grade 1 or less, then taper.

  • Monitor neurologic symptoms and consider consultation with neurologist and other specialists for further evaluation and management, including consideration for starting nonsedating, antiseizure medicines for seizure prophylaxis.

  • Provide supportive therapy, which may include intensive care.

Grade 4 ICE score 0, or depressed level of consciousness: either:
  • Patient is unarousable or requires vigorous or repetitive tactile stimuli to arouse

  • Stupor or coma

or seizures, either:
  • Life-threatening prolonged seizure (> 5 minutes)

  • Repetitive clinical or electrical seizures without return to baseline in between,

or motor findings:
  • Deep focal motor weakness such as hemiparesis or paraparesis

or raised intracranial pressure/cerebral edema, with signs/ symptoms such as:
  • Diffuse cerebral edema on neuroimaging

  • Decerebrate or decorticate posturing

  • Cranial nerve VI palsy

  • Papilledema

  • Cushing's triad

  • Permanently discontinue teclistamab-cqyv.

  • Administer dexamethasone 10 mg intravenously and repeat dose every 6 hours; continue dexamethasone use until resolution to grade 1 or less, then taper.

  • Alternatively, consider administration of methylprednisolone 1,000 mg per day intravenously and continue methylprednisolone 1,000 mg per day intravenously for 2 or more days.

  • Monitor neurologic symptoms and consider consultation with neurologist and other specialists for further evaluation and management, including consideration for starting nonsedating, antiseizure medicines for seizure prophylaxis.

  • Provide supportive therapy, which may include intensive care.

Note. ICANS = immune effector cell-associated neurotoxicity syndrome; ICE = immune effector cell-associated encephalopathy. If patient is arousable and able to perform ICE Assessment, assess: Orientation (oriented to year, month, city, hospital = 4 points); Naming (name 3 objects, e.g., point to clock, pen, button = 3 points); Following Commands (e.g., “show me 2 fingers” or “close your eyes and stick out your tongue” = 1 point); Writing (ability to write a standard sentence = 1 point); and Attention (count backwards from 100 by ten = 1 point). If patient is unarousable and unable to perform ICE Assessment (Grade 4 ICANS) = 0 points. Grading based on the American Society for Transplantation and Cellular Therapy (ASTCT) 2019 grading for ICANS. Information from Janssen Biotech, Inc. (2022).