Fig. 3. The overall structure of the conoid remains unchanged during the cycles of protrusion and retraction.
a–d’ Tomographic slices through the center of the apical complex show the conoid in the protruded (a) and retracted (b) states. White lines indicate the measurements of the apical diameter (a), the basal diameter (b), and the height (h) of the conoid structure. White boxes in (a, b) indicate the areas magnified in (c, d) where the conoid and the APR-associated complex interact; (c’ and d’) are the pseudo-colored versions of (c and d), colored as detailed in Fig. 1. Note the elongated, sheet-like density (gold arrowheads in a and b) tracking between micronemes and ICMT inside the conoid. IMC “spacer” densities are indicated with cyan arrowheads in (a, c). e Measurements of the apical diameter, the basal diameter, and the height of protruded (n = 3 tomograms, white bars) and retracted (n = 3 tomograms, gray bars) conoids show no significant changes during the cycles of protrusion and retraction. f–i Tomographic slices (f, g) through the edge of reconstructed conoids (showing the conoid fibers in the longitudinal section) in the protruded (f) and retracted (g) states. Lines indicate the measurement of the relative angle between the CFs and the PCR plane (n = 14 measurements for the protruded and 13 measurements for the retracted states, red lines), and the measurement of the distance between neighboring CFs (n = 24 measurements for the protruded and 18 measurements for the retracted states, blue lines); the results of latter measurements for protruded and retracted conoids are shown in (h) and (i), respectively. j–m Tomographic slices show representative PCRs (j and m) and APRs (k and l) in cross-sectional views of the apical complex in protruded (j, k) and retracted (l, m) states. Diameters of APRs and PCRs are indicated as ranges from all available tomograms (n = 3 for APRs in both states; n = 3 PCRs protruded; n = 2 PCRs retracted). Scale bars: 100 nm (in a, b, j–m); 50 nm (in c, d, f, g). Data were expressed as mean ± standard deviation. Statistical significance was calculated by a two-tailed Student’s t-test. ns not significant (p > 0.05).