Fig. 4. Subtomogram averages of the conoid fibers show a C-shape architecture with nine tubulin protofilaments and associated proteins.
a, b Cross-sectional tomographic slices of the averaged 8-nm repeats of the CF fibers in the protruded (a) and retracted (b) states. c–e The high-resolution structure of tubulin was fitted into the subtomogram averages of the protruded (c, blue) and the retracted (d, pink) states. Comparison (e) of the two pseudo-atomic protofilament models in the protruded (blue) and retracted (pink) states shows no significant difference. f Longitudinal views of the pseudo-atomic protofilament model in the retracted state. The pitch was estimated based on the rise of the periodic CF-associated MAPs between neighboring protofilaments. g Isosurface rendering of the nice-fold averaged protofilaments display a “clockwise skew” when viewed from the conoid base, suggesting the minus ends of the conoid fibers are orientated to the base. h The arrangements of the modeled protofilaments in the CFs (pink) compared with the high-resolution cryo-EM structure of the typical 13-protofilament subpellicular microtubules (green; EMDB: EMD-23870). The most substantial difference is the angle change between PF4 and PF5, causing a tight kink in the protofilament arrangement. i–k Tomographic slices of the global CF subtomogram averages that combine all data from both the protruded (a) and retracted (b) states viewed in cross-sectional (i: original; i’: pseudo-colored) and longitudinal (j and k) orientations. The white lines in (i) indicate the locations of the slices in the respective panels. Labels and coloring see below. l–o Isosurface renderings show the 3D structures of the averaged CF repeats in cross-sectional (l) and longitudinal (m) views, as well as the CFs from a complete conoid (n) by assembling the averaged 8-nm repeats back into the full tomogram. This and the zoom-in (o) show that the open face of the C-shaped CFs faces the interior of the conoid. Labels and coloring: 1–9, protofilaments; IA (blue) and OA (pink) “inner-layer arm” and “outer-layer arm” densities, IJ (yellow) inner junction, MAP; MAP1 (orange), MAP2 (magenta), MAP4 (green), microtubule-associated proteins. Scale bars: 10 nm (in a, b, i–k).