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. 2023 Mar 30;14:1771. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-36872-8

Fig. 3. Conditional in vivo deletion of Nrxn3 in the OB has no effect on synapse density, nor does rescue of the Nrxn3 deletion by minimal Nrxn3 LNS2-domain constructs.

Fig. 3

a, b Experimental design of in vivo Nrxn3 deletions and rescues. The OB was stereotactically infected with AAVs expressing ΔCre (control), Cre, or Cre with additional AAVs encoding Nrxn3-LNS2 rescue constructs (a, schematic of stereotactic injections; b, representative fluorescence image of an OB section that was infected with AAVs expressing tdTomato fused to Cre, with subsequent patching of mitral cells that were filled with neurobiotin (blue)). Neuron-specific expression of ΔCre/Cre and rescue constructs was achieved using the synapsin-1 promoter. Note that AAVs infect granule cells more efficiently than mitral cells (see panel b). c Minimal Nrxn3α-LNS2 rescue proteins are localized to synaptic layers in the OB after expression via AAVs, as visualized by immunocytochemistry for the N-terminal HA-epitope contained in the constructs (white, HA-Nrxn3α-LNS2 proteins; red, tdTomato). d, e Conditional Nrxn3 deletion and rescue with minimal Nrxn3α-LNS2 constructs does not alter inhibitory synapse numbers in vivo. Sections from mice (infected as shown in A) were analyzed by quantitative immunocytochemistry for the presynaptic marker synaptoporin (a.k.a. synaptophysin-2; light blue) that is specific for granule cell→mitral cell synapses in the OB, and for the postsynaptic inhibitory synapse marker gephyrin (green) (d, sample images; e, summary graphs of puncta densities). Data are means ± SEM; n’s (cells/experiments) indicated in summary graph bars apply to all graphs in an experimental series. Statistical analyzes using one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s multiple comparison test (e). Appropriate HA labeling in c was confirmed in tissue from all animals quantified in e. Puncta densities in e are analyzed both per animal (top) and per region-of-interest (bottom); statistical significance is observed for gephyrin staining but not the other parameters when regions-of-interest are used as n’s because pseudo-replicates in this analysis boost statistical significance independent of the actual number of experiments. Source data and statistical results for all experiments are provided within the Source Data file.