Would you mind telling me about the physical feelings and sensations involved?
How has it (condition/symptoms) affected your everyday life?
Any impact on your relationships, with partners, family or friends, intimate relationships?
Can you describe how this has made you feel at various points along the way?
What effect has this had on you as a person and your sense of self?
Have you talked to people about your condition?
Could you tell me a bit about your general health, and any other conditions or symptoms?
Have you had any help? If not, call you tell me why you haven't?
Can you describe your first visit about this condition?
Can you tell me about any tests and investigations you've had?
Do you a name or a label for your symptoms? If so, how do you feel about that?
What do you think has caused it?
Can you talk to me about your experience of healthcare treatment
Can you describe some of the things you have tried yourself to manage your condition?
Do you have any ongoing or new treatments or visits planned?
What are you feeling about the next steps?
Can you describe a time that you received good healthcare?
Can you describe a time when you received poor care?
Is there anything you would like to change about your experience of healthcare?
Is there anything about you that you think means you have been treated differently in healthcare?
What message would you give to other patients?
What message would you give to healthcare professionals?