Figure 2.
Dual knockout of CYP79D1 and CYP79D2 eliminates cyanide production in accessions 60444, TME 419, and TMS 91/02324. Assays were conducted 6.5, 8, and 7.5 months, respectively, after plants were transferred to soil. (A–C) Box and whisker plots of cyanide values in storage roots in mg HCN per kg tissue, as detected by picrate assay. Black dots are biological replicates. The median, and lower (25th percentile) and upper (75th percentile) quartiles are indicated. Whiskers define the minimum and maximum regions of the data; data points outside of these are outliers. (D–F) Wilcoxon Rank Sum p-values calculated from pairwise comparisons between lines of root cyanide content. Values less than 0.05, indicating the distributions of the values are statistically different between the two lines, are colored in shades of blue. Values greater than 0.05 are colored in shades of red. WT, wildtype. Edited lines are identified by the CRISPR construct with which they were modified (C1, C2, C3), followed by an index number (e.g., 142A).