Figure 1.
Canonical Wnt signaling specifies homogenous aorta-like CD34+ SOX17+ endothelium. (A) A schematic of the protocol used to differentiate hPSCs towards hemogenic endothelium. (B–D) 19-9-11 iPSC-derived day 5 cultures were subjected to flow cytometry analysis for CD34/CD31 (B) and CD34/SOX17 (C), and immunostaining analysis for SOX17 and CD34 (D). Scale bars, 200 μm. CHIR, CHIR99021. (E–G) Drug-resistant H9 hPSCs (E) were differentiated into definitive endoderm (F) and hemogenic endothelium (G) with or without doxycycline (dox) treatment, and day 3 definitive endoderm (DE) and day 5 endothelial cell (EC) cultures were subjected for flow cytometry analysis of SOX17 (F) and CD31 (G) expression. #P < 0.05, dox treatment versus no dox condition. Inducible Cas13d scramble gRNA (iscramble) line was used as negative control. Data are represented as mean ± s. e.m of three independent replicates.