Fig. 1. SMAD3 activation is negatively associated with an N1 phenotype in NSCLC.
A–C Confocal imaging and quantification show a marked accumulation of N2 TANs (CD206+CD16b+ cells) in NSCLC compared to adjacent normal lung tissue, which contrasts with the small population of N1 TANs (iNOS+CD16b+ cells) (**P < 0.01 vs. normal lung; two-tailed t-test). D Three-dimensional confocal image showing SMAD3 activation (p-SMAD3, blue) in many N2 TANs (CD206+CD16b+ cells) in NSCLC. Correlation analysis shows that Smad3 activation (E) has a negative correlation with the proportion of N1 TANs (F) but does not correlate with the proportion of N2 TANs (Pearson correlation two-tailed test). G A low proportion of N1 TANs are significantly associated with higher patient mortality in NSCLC (log-rank (Mantel–Cox) test). Scale bar, 50 μm. A–D Data represents mean ± SEM of three patients/group. E–G Data based on a cohort of 72 patients. The exact P values of normal lung vs. NSCLC tissue are 1C. P = 0.0655(N1 TAN) and P = 0.004(N2 TAN). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.