Figure 3.
Activated hepatic CCR6+ ILC3s proliferate in response to partial hepatectomy
(A) Cellular changes compared with sham-operated mice of different ILC subsets analyzed by flow cytometry in livers of SPF wild-type mice 24 h after PH (aritmetic mean ± SD). ILC1s, Lin−CD127+RORγt−Tbet+; ILC2s, Lin−CD127+RORγt−GATA+; ILC3s, Lin−CD127+RORγt+; NK cells, Lin−CD127−NKp46+; Th17 cells, CD19−CD3+RORγt+.
(B) Flow cytometric quantification and statistical analysis of liver RORγt+ILC3s 24 h after PH or sham surgery.
(C–G) Rorc(γt)Cre−TgRosa26REYFP/+ (RORγtFM) mice underwent PH and were analyzed by flow cytometry. (C and D) ILC3s and their subsets at 24 h post PH. (E) Proliferation of CCR6+ ILC3s was assessed by Ki-67 24 h after PH. (F) Sort purification of RORγt+ ILC3s and measurement of IL-22 by qPCR (aritmetic mean ± SD). (G) Flow cytometry analysis of IL-22 production by CCR6+ ILC3s. Geometric means for log scales and arithmetic means for linear scales are shown. Normalized values were analyzed by Student’s t test to compare two experimental groups or by ANOVA to compare more than two groups in parallel. Data in (A)–(G) are representative of n = 3–4 mice per group in two or more independent experiments. The p values are indicated as follows: ∗p ≤ 0.05. See also Figures S2 and S3 and Table S1.