Figure 6.
IL-10/AHR signature is active in vivo and is altered in autoimmune conditions
(A) DESeq2 volcano plot of ATAC peaks in evDC-10s (n = 6) and cDCs (n = 4) plotting log2(FC) and -log10 (FDR). Horizontal line at p = 0.01. Vertical line at logFC = 2. Gray dots = peaks obtained from the evDC-10 vs. cDC analysis; black dots = 107 DC-10-specific enhancers obtained in in vitro DC-10 vs. DC analysis (see Figure 1D), the number of DC-10-specific enhancers enriched in cDC and evDC-10 peaks (p < 0.05) are indicated, together with the number of differentially accessible regions (DARs); pink dots = accessible peaks in evDC-10s and not in cDCs. p value by Fisher’s exact test.
(B) Bubble plot of indicated TF binding site enrichment by TFmotifView: p value (bubble size) and fold enrichment (bubble color) over background in robust enhancer (enh) and target gene promoter (prom) sequences specific for DC-10s (in vitro) and evDC-10s (in vivo) and lost in AHRinhDC-10s (in vitro AHR dep.). p values >0.05 are not displayed.
(C) GSEA of AHR pan signature gene set in ivDC-10s vs. DCs (blue, leading-edge genes: 70 of 166), evDC-10s vs. cDCs (green, leading-edge genes; 40 of 166) and ivDC-10s vs. AHRinhDC-10s (light blue, leading-edge genes: 31 of 166) transcriptomes. Normalized enrichment score (NES) and FDR are reported.
(D) HC and MS monocytes were differentiated into DCs and DC-10s tested in short-term MLR. Left, percentage of DC-stimulated T cell proliferation expressed as % proliferating DC-10-primed CD4+/% donor-matched proliferating DC-primed CD4+; right, percentage of DC-stimulated T activation expressed as %CD25+ and/or HLA-DR+ DC-10-primed CD4+/% donor-matched CD25+ and/or HLA-DR+ DC-primed CD4+. HC: T cells stimulated by healthy monocyte-derived DC-10s; MS: T cells stimulated by multiple sclerosis-derived DC-10s. Violin plots display median, interquartile range, and single values.
(E) Normalized enrichment score (NES) by GSEA of the 91 DC-10 core (purple), AHR pan signature14 (green), and IL-10-induced molecular signature (MSigDB: GSE43700) (yellow) genes in the transcriptomes of healthy (HC) vs. multiple sclerosis (MS) in vitro differentiated DC-10s (left), monocytes (middle), and ex vivo isolated DC-10s (right). FDR is provided for each gene set. Only significantly enriched gene sets are shown. Details on gene lists used are provided in Tables S2 and S3. Number of leading genes in each group are provided in Table S6.
(F) Violin plot displaying median, interquartile range, and single values of the percentage of DC-10s (CD14+CD16+CD141+CD163+) in the PB of healthy controls (HC) and multiple sclerosis (MS) donors. (D and F) p value by Mann-Whitney test, n = 4–5 (D), n = 10–13 (F). See Figure S6.